What you need to know about organizing finance in your life sciences company
From the start of your life sciences company finance and accounting plays a crucial role in supporting product development and growth of your company. Even within the seed funding phase you already have to meet the audit criteria set by the regulatory organisations. Also when you engage with investors, for instance for your first series A financing round, a solid financial management of your business is required. The choices that you made at the beginning of your company may have great impact later on and could jeopardize future funding opportunities. During this Expert Class an overview and guidance is giving in what is needed from the finance and audit perspective throughout the different phases of your company. A “to do list” for very early stage companies and a roadmap for more advanced companies will be provided. Also how to get ready for your next financing round- or IPO/M&A will be discussed by the experts Helga Keijzer, Lena Takehana and TJ Kanhai from PwC and Anna Nijdam, Head of Finance at Pharvaris. Besides sharing their insights they also will answer your questions during the expert class.
The expert class program is set up in an interactive way such that the participants are asked to present in 3 slides their company and shareholder related question(s) for the experts. The experts will give you feedback on your questions.
Date and time:
21 April 2023, 13.00 – 18.00 hrs.
PwC, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
13.00 hrs. Welcome
13.30 hrs. Start Expert Class by Leon Mur (moderator) and introduction Life Sciences@Work by Chrétien Herben
13:45 hrs. Presentations by
- Helga Keijzer, Assurance Director at PwC
- Lena Takehana, Senior Manager Deals & Capital raising at PwC
- TJ Kanhai. Manager Financial Audit & Assurance at PwC
15:15 hrs. Presentation by Anna Nijdam, Head of Finance Pharvaris
15:45 hrs. Discussing shareholder related cases per participant, 3 slides per participant:
- 2 slides with overview company (product, market, history)
- 1 slide with your finance related questions
17.00 hrs. Drinks offered by PwC
18.00 hrs. End of Expert Class
LifeSciences@Work Expert Classes are a series of targeted (virtual) workshops organized in close collaboration with industry and academic experts
- The small-scale and personalized Expert Classes welcome Venture Challenge Alumni, Value Centre Alumni and NWO Take off Alumni.
- New early startups not (yet) part of our LS@W community but interested to join are also very welcome, provided there is a match with the LS@W community profile.
- Participation is free-of-charge for startup teams.
Registration is needed to attend!
Please send an e-mail to miranda.de.regt@iventus.nl to receive your confirmation and additional final information.