Venture Challenge Spring 2019: Meet the teams
Every year LifeSciences@Work organises two Venture Challenges for start-ups that want to translate their idea into a solid business case. On 10 April, the spring edition of the Venture Challenge 2019 kicked off with the first three-day boot camp in Wageningen. During the boot camp, five highly motivated teams were coached in developing their business proposition and received insightful information by Roel Bulthuis, Managing Director of INKEF Capital on Venture Capital and by Principal Consultant Marc Klinkhamer of ProPharma Group on Regulatory Affairs. Venture Challenge alumnus Ruud Albers, Founder and CEO of NutriLeads further elaborated on his Venture path.
In the coming weeks, the teams will explore their markets and, eventually, pitch their business plan to a jury and audience of life sciences investors. The winning team will be announced at the Dutch Biotech Event on 28 June and will receive € 25,000 to build their business.
Chretien Herben, Programme Director LS@W: “One of the highlights of this first workshop must have been the presentation of Ruud Albers of Nutrileads Venture Challenge alumnus who took along the participants on the rollercoaster ride that he experienced since his participation back in 2013. Valuable lessons for this new batch of great participants.”
Interested in participating in this specialised coaching programme to develop your idea into a solid business case? Visit the LifeSciences@Work website for more information and apply now for the Venture Challenge Fall 2019! The LifeSciences@Work Accelerator is powered by Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health.