MedicalVR technology used for performing complex tumor removal

Next to lung, liver or heart surgeries, MedicalVR technology can be implemented in a multidisciplinary setting of plastic & reconstructive, oncologic and cardiothoracic surgery. Additionally, the patient was consulted about the surgery by showing the 3D surgical plan in VR. 

Annals Of Thoracic Surgery published a case study written by Jet Peek about how Erasmus MC prof. plastic and reconstructive Marc Mureau, prof. oncologic surgery Kees Verhoef and dr. Joost Rothbarth and thoracic surgeons prof. Ad Bogers, dr. Lex Maat and dr. Amir H. Sadeghi performed a very complex tumor removal. 

Link to the publication: 

MedicalVR technology used for performing complex turf removal

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