Eureka Eurostars awarded to Venture Challenge Winner BIMINI Biotech

BIMINI Biotech was recently awarded a Eureka Eurostars project with the aim of targeting the growth hormone receptor for novel and personalized cancer therapeutics. This project named ONCO-TARGET, brings together a unique consortium consisting of BIMINI Biotech (drug development), Specs - Compound Handling BV (chemistry), Uppsala University (oncology and genetics) and IVRS AB (pre-clinical in vivo modelling), with a total project budget of 1.9 million euros. This international collaboration will allow BIMINI to deliver a proof-of-concept for preclinical efficacy for our lead compounds in colorectal cancer and identify responsive cancer subtypes using geno-/pheno-typic approaches towards differential sensitivity elucidation.

Colorectal cancer is an aggressive and mutationally diverse cancer characterized by high mortality and in some cases poor survival rates. The result of the ONCO-TARGET project will bring the technology one step closer to the patient, targeting this major unmet need.

Source: BIMINI Biotech


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