On September 19th the Venture Challenge Fall 2022 will commence!
During an intense 10 weeks, the 5 selected teams will develop a solid business case to bring their scientific invention to market and benefit researchers, doctors and patients.
The teams entering this edition of the Venture Challenge are:
Beephonix - a dynamic biomimetic microphone - Martijn Agterberg, Radboud University
D4 Diagnostics - filling the diagnostic gap with DNA-based cell counting - Pieter A. van der Velden, Leiden University Medical Center
MoVax - Genetic engineering technologies for high efficiency production of protein therapeutics, applied in Mircoalgal Oral Vaccins - Christian Südfeld, Wageningen University & Research
NatInLab - development of medicines against viral respiratory tract infections by stimulating cell self-immune resistance through the regulation of proteolytic pathways - Ewelina Weglarz-Tomczak
PrecorDx - reducing heart failure hospitalizations with wearable diagnostics - Bart Steensma, University Medical Center Utrecht
The process
These teams of academic entrepreneurs in the life sciences will be guided by business experts, seasoned entrepreneurs during 3-day bootcamp sessions. At the end of the Venture Challenge program, the participants will pitch their plans to a jury of experienced entrepreneurs and investors, who will also select the winner of a cheque for 25,000 euros. On 24 November, during the Dutch Life Sciences Conference, the winner will be announced.