Venture Challenge Spring 2024 has kicked-off

The Venture Challenge Spring 2024 Kicked-off this week at Pivot Park. Six teams eager to bring their inventions to market joined us in the first 3-day bootcamp where they worked on defining their Customer Value Proposition, identifying their starting opportunity, defining their competitive position and much more. We will introduce the teams over the coming weeks, but a sneak preview can be found on the NWO Website.

In the coming weeks the teams will work on validating their assumptions from this workshop in preparation for the next bootcamp mid June and the finals on June 26 where they will present their plan in front of an expert jury in the presence of the Life Sciences investment community. The winner of this edition will be announced during the Holland Bio Dutch Biotech event.  

Special thanks for our external speakers Jaap De Bruin | FIRST fund/BGV (BioGeneration Ventures) for explaining how to trigger the interest of an investor, Alexander Henrik van Asbeck | RIBOPRO for sharing your entrepreneurial voyage and useful insights and Ronald van der Geest | 3D-PharmXchange for letting us in on how to design your clinical trials.

Venture Challenge Spring 2024

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