ATRO Medical

Trammpolin® meniscus prosthesis: an anatomically shaped polymer prosthesis to replace the damaged meniscus

ATRO Medical is a start-up company, based on a collaboration with Radboud University Medical Center and DSM. ATRO Medical has developed a prototype for an anatomically shaped meniscus. After the development of a prototype, ATRO Medical has attracted funding from Thuja Capital, Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij, Cascara Ventures DSM Venturing, OostNL and RadboudUMC to finalize the performance testing and First in Man (FiM) clinical studies.

The overarching objective of this project is to develop and commercialize an anatomically shaped meniscus, Trammpolin®, with unique properties. The challenge of this project is to develop a fully functional device that can be manufactured in high volumes, in low cost and maximum quality. This implant is meant for patients younger than 65 who underwent a meniscectomy and for which a total knee arthroplasty is not advisable. However, we plan to target the lateral meniscus as well, in the near future and outside of project Trammpolin®. Moreover, personalized prostheses in a future generation product are envisioned, as well as designing products for other joints. This illustrates the tremendous market potential of our technology.

Meniscus damage and wear are important causes of Osteoarthritis of the knee. The Trammpolin® device intends to replace the damaged meniscus with an implantable prosthesis, with the aim of restoring the protective function of the meniscus by acting as a joint spacer.

The device serves a market with over 1.000.000 clinical procedures a year in the US and EU, in which damaged meniscus tissue of the knee joint is removed. A large number of these patients will develop Osteoarthritis during the 10-20 year period following the removal of damaged meniscus tissue.

The company is founded by Jan Hunik (CEO) and Tony van Tienen, orthopaedic surgeon (CMO) in 2016.

Tony van Tienen
Jan Hunik
Startup activities

Venture Challenge Fall 2013

Jan Hunik