AVIGI Therapeutics (formerly known as Triangle Therapeutics)

Battling metastatic cancer through heparanase inhibition.

AVIGI Therapeutics aims to bring innovative technology to the clinic to halt metastasis, thereby improving the success of primary tumor-directed cancer treatments for patients with metastatic cancers. The majority of cancer-related deaths are caused by metastasis and not the primary tumor itself. Despite this, most cancer treatments focus on primary tumor regression (surgery, radiotherapy, immunotherapy) or take a systemic approach with significant side effects (chemotherapy).

AVIGI Therapeutics has developed a technology that effectively inhibits heparanase, a crucial factor in tumor metastasis, regardless of the primary tumor's type. We have proven this concept in three animal models. Our lead compound works well with the established anticancer drug, bortezomib, and has superior properties compared to current best-in-class compounds. Our first target is pancreatic cancer, a highly aggressive cancer with few effective treatment options.

The team includes Vincent Lit and Gijs Ruijgrok, who developed the heparanase inhibitor during their PhD research, and Herman Overkleeft, who brings extensive experience in developing lead compounds, as demonstrated by his involvement with iProtics and his earlier invention now in Phase II development with Azafaros. On the business side, Arian Khoshchin joins the team, bringing a decade of experience in helping start-ups progress from inception to initial growth. In 2024, the team will expand to include the necessary clinical and regulatory expertise.

Vincent Lit
Gijs Ruijgrok
Hermen Overkleeft
Startup activities

Venture Challenge Fall 2023

Vincent Lit